Robots Stealing Our Blogs
Since I don’t do much, I don’t have much to write about. You might have heard that AI will advance to such a point that robots will steal our jobs. So I asked an AI system to write a blog post for me. This is what it came up with.
I finished the knitting project that I’d been working on. And it’s ready for blocking! It’s taken me a really long time to knit this, mostly because I’m usually too busy with deadlines to work on non-profitable knitting projects. It was fun to do something a little different, though. :)
I’ve set up one of my cameras exclusively for taking cat photos. Before, I couldn’t get any decent pictures of him. Today I have at least eight great ones. He’s not the brightest bulb in the cage, you see, so I need the flash to freeze him. When the camera comes near him, he freezes and opens his mouth. His expression says he’s saying something along the lines of “Hey, don’t you know you’ve been caught?” I’m a little sad. We had great hopes for at least one of our cats,
I started sewing another mask. I own a lot of homemade masks for someone who never goes outside. Most of them are the foam and latex kind of masks. Some of them have eye and nose holes but they have little in the way of ventilation. I added some ventilation holes to my latest version but it is still too heavy to wear in public. After all of the previous attempts I came to the conclusion that the only option left to me is the simple surgical mask. With its big eye and nose holes and small chin strap it provides me with a full face mask that is light enough
I’m taking a break from working on web page with the COVID data. I want to post another video that you all may find very funny. #thesearchcontinues #johnlennon #thebeatles #peace The Beatle Bible: The Fab Four’s Guide to the Good Life A good read if you want to learn about the Beatles. Many different viewpoints are given in this book. The Beatle Bible is written as a biographical yet informative look at their history, sound and content. The