1. Finally got around to dealing with AT&T and switching my phone plan to one that is less ridiculous. All of the frugal-boys that I know will no longer be so very, very appalled at how much I was overpaying for my phone plan. The frugal-boys seem to really enjoy keeping track of all their money. Meanwhile, I forget to pay the bills, and I have several uncashed checks that ride around in my bag. I think that some of the checks may have expired. It really is too bad that I can not just have my billing address for everything be my parents’ house and have them pay all my bills from my bank account.

  2. You know that I am planning on buying a new phone. But I’m thinking of getting a slightly obsolete phone and not a very new phone.

  3. I impulse bought half a yard of neoprene, so I am thinking of sewing myself a case for this hypothetical new phone.

  4. Other recent impulse buys: A subscription to the massage therapy practice that is about half a mile from my apartment.

  5. Other recent impulse buys: A bunch of credits to take German classes online.

  6. Now that everyone else has stopped reading because this is so boring, I will mention that something happened about a week and a half ago that made me absolutely furious. That is one of the reasons that I haven’t written anything on this blog lately because there was a chance that I would have written something about this situation that made me so furious. And that would have made things worse. Sorry that this is so vague. It is a work-thing.

  7. In my opinion, there is plenty of blame to go around. Others might disagree.

  8. In other work matters (unrelated), I brought a whole bunch of tools to work one day last week because the easiest way to solve someone’s problem was for me to swap the doorknob on my office for the doorknob on one of the conference rooms.

  9. Unrelated, I had to rebase one of my repos at work, and I am hoping that this did not accidentally break things that were not broken.

  10. Knitting update: I quickly realized that the published pattern that I was basing my new project off of was insane. It’s knit in the round, and the stripes change color every 1-2 rounds. But this means that there is no structural integrity at the end of the round. So now I am making the stripes change color every 2-4 rounds. The stripe pattern is determined by the Random.org coin-flip app. Is the stripe 2 or 4 rounds? Is the stripe gray or purple? Is the stripe made out of a yarn that I have a lot of or a yarn that I only have a little bit of?

  11. The detail guy at the carwash where I over-tip informed me in no uncertain terms that I need to stop parking my car wherever I’d been parking it because there is a sprinkler system with salt in the water, and the droplets are ruining the paint. He can fix the damage that has accumulated so far, but it will cost $150.