So, I finally finished the freeform scarf where I was making the pattern up as I went along, based on a sketch that I had made.

It did not turn out as I had planned, but it exists. Probably if I had thought more about what I was going to do and made swatches and actually written a pattern, it would have gone better. But I am not good at planning ahead for this sort of thing, so I would just pick some yarn and start knitting.

I’ve made rule that I can’t buy any new yarn until I use most of the yarn that I already own (or I can’t figure out what to make out of the remaining yarn). Next project is going to be a striped poncho. Striped because I don’t have enough of any one type of yarn to make anything of note. Poncho because I do not have the patience to figure out how to make something that fits out of a zillion different types of yarn.
