Quick Updates
How is it Wednesday already?
Perhaps the most exciting thing that has happened in the past few days is that I went to the neurologist on Monday. Even though I had filled out the paperwork (weeks ago!) to get on the newest bandwagon in migraine medication, I had not heard from the drug company, so I was given the number for their hotline.
I haven’t yet gotten around to typing up my phone log (I a hoping that I won’t need it). But the type of patient who comes to appointments with a heatmap calendar of migraine times and intensities is also going to be the kind of patient who keeps the type of notes that say, “When I spoke to your colleague yesterday at 9:46am,…”
Workwise, I am trying not to complain in public about the one specific issue that is bothering me right now. But I can complain vaguely. There is a thing that should be done to turn user-submitted text into well-formatted text. This transformation is not trivial, so companies have written APIs that allow you to send them the user-submitted text, and they will send back the well-formatted text. It costs a few cents for each transformation that they do for you. I am working on a small project that relies on this type of text, and the only information that is saved in the database is the user-submitted text, not the well-formatted text. Also, I do not have access to the API key. Grr.