Is That Recyclable?
Every now and then I come up with a great pitch for a new media project or business idea. Recently I have conceived of an ongoing series of short videos called “Is That Recyclable?”
This is not a realistic project for me to do because I would need both a lot of people to submit their videos for my channel and also someone who is skilled at video editing (both the technical side and the story-telling side) to make the contributions not suck.
Conflict is the heart of drama. People would take videos of their colleagues or family members standing by the the garbage can and recycle bin having a disagreement about whether a particular item is recyclable. Maybe I’d allow some soliloquoys while someone narrates the process of moving items from one bin to the other. But I really want to focus on the interpersonal drama. My office had a very long email thread about what to do about the plastic pods from the coffeemaker.
People have very different ideas about what actually is recyclable, and the rules vary from place to place. It is very likely that you would watch one of these videos and see items end up in the wrong bin. Just because plastic bags have the recycle symbol and a number 4 on them does not mean that they should go in your home (or office) recycle bin.