Toast Tuesday
Too tired, headachy, unmotivated, antisocial, and cheap to treat myself to tacos for dinner (as it is #tacotuesday), so I made myself toast instead. I have been eating so much toast over the past year. I can not remember the last time I ate this much toast. I am probably going through almost a loaf of bread a week. Don’t worry about me getting scurvy: One of my current vices are these ridiculous fruit-flavored Starbucks beverages that contain plenty of vitamin C.
I don’t like to eat the heels of the bread, so I put them in large ziploc bags in the freezer, promising myself that I am going to make stuffing or bread pudding or something delicious that you make out of sad bread. It never happens.
A new person started at work yesterday! Another new person will be starting tomorrow!
All of these strangers in the office are somewhat terrifying. I am quite capable of inadvertently offending people, and I do not want to be the poorly socialized mathematician who causes one of the new people to have a bad experience at work during their first few days. Also I hold some very strong opinions, some of which can seem, on the surface, to be somewhat unconventional.
My couch is covered with toast crumbs and cat fur and junk mail and assorted other things. A small part of me wants to take a week off of work in order to finish doing Kon-Mari and throwing away all my possessions in hopes of transforming my home into a calm and spa-like retreat. But it is not as if I have any attachment to the toast crumbs and cat fur and junk mail. I just hate cleaning.