Sunday Updates
Went to see the new Star Wars movie. It was OK. There was a lot of obligatory fan service. Perhaps one of the best parts was that out in the hallway of the theater after the movie was over two elementary school children were explaining to their dad why he was wrong about a specific claim he made about a character, and these children backed up their points with meticulous references to several films that were made before they were even born.
I am so bad at recognizing faces that the only reason I knew that “the other blonde lady from Game of Thrones” was in the movie was because I had read that ahead of time. It is too bad that the left parietal lobe is not responsible for facial recognition because it would such an easy explanation if I could blame the abnormal part of my brain for my inability to recognize people. You know what the left parietal lobe does? Math.
Got an email from the organizers of the conference that I went to last month about what they are doing about a talk that violated their code of conduct. I did not attend the session with the offending talk, so I did not know that it existed until I received this email. I went back and looked at the list of abstracts, and I have no idea which talk it might have been, as all of the abstracts were things like, “interesting things about numbers and shapes” and not “someone is going to recount non-mathematical anecdotes.”
I am now almost a month behind on doing the NYT Sunday crossword puzzle. I am thinking that this might be another sign that it is time for me to cancel my subscription to the NYT.
Speaking of platforms that need to decide to what extent they are willing to publicize offensive ideas, I had to delete some posts off our message boards today because some of the terrible people on the internet are children.
Got a text message from Walgreens that a “partial refill” of one of my prescriptions was ready (levetiracetam). Instead of my usual 60 pills, they had… three pills in stock. Three. They should have more in stock on Tuesday. I am hoping that I can receive some guidance from my doctor’s office about how to taper off this medication since it is not working enough for it to be worth it for me to take it. But since I know that my doctor’s office can not handle multiple questions in parallel, I am going to wait until they finish their part of “talk to insurance companies and drug companies” before I ask about stopping this medicine.
Roomba needs a new battery.