Subtitle: Do you want a cat?

  1. This morning the cat spilled my entire full mug of tea on the sofa. The entire couch cushion was soaked with sweet, milky tea. The space between the two branches of the “ell” of the couch was covered with tea. I could not separate the couch pieces and had to unscrew some sort of hardware from the bottom of the couch. I used an entire roll of paper towels cleaning this up. I did not do nearly as good a job as I wanted to because I had to leave to go to my dentist appointment.

  2. Traffic.

  3. No onlay for me! Once the dentist started working on tooth #4, he discovered that it has a crack in it. Turns out I was wrong when I snarked that onlays cost as much as crowns.

  4. After spending over $3000 on dental work this week, I am certainly not buying a theremin for the cat. (It would be for the good cat.) Related: I am absolutely certain that I could derail a major project at work by putting a theremin on one particular colleague’s desk.

  5. Neurology status: Phone tag.