
Now that I’m no longer at the university, I have self-imposed homework.

When I started working my way through this grammar book, I had such high hopes. I was going to do a certain number of pages a day, and I would be well on my way to improving my German. Yet, I am still on chapter 1 (verbs). To be fair, the verb chapter has 10 sections (and I am on the ninth section, modal verbs). Chapter 5 on prepositions is only three pages long, which is crazy. I have enough trouble with prepositions in English (and I know enough to fear the Wechselpräpositionen) that three pages of German prepositions will not be enough. And this book doesn’t have anything at all about the differences between stehen and stellen, legen and liegen, and hängen and hängen (not a typo), so I will have absolutely no hope of figuring those out.

Guten Tag!

Guten Tag! Was kann ich für Sie tun?

Ich möchte Ihnen mein Abiturzeugnis bringen.

Gut. Aber warum wollen Sie mir das Orginal geben? Sie sollten niemals das Original aus der Hand geben. Das kann bei uns verloren gehen. Es reicht, wenn Sie uns eine Fotokopie geben.

Aber Ihr Kollege hat gestern gesagt, dass ich das Original abgeben soll.