1. While we have great passwords on the servers that were set up by the person who really cares about this sort of thing, we have terrible passwords on the networked printers. Someone in the office renamed one of the printers, and no one on a Mac was able to print until they re-set up that printer.

  2. I have a PiAware on the office wifi network.

  3. In the same commit in which I changed a whole lot of files from all over the project – during a time in which another project was having an emergency, so a lot of people were focusing their attention on that other project – I changed the .gitignore file because the other people on this project seem to keep adding things that they shouldn’t be to the repo.

Not a secret: We’ve hired yet another person whose interview I was involved with. He’s going to be starting this summer, but he’ll be getting familiar with his project (remotely) before his official start date. We are still hiring.