Hiring Updates
So often I tell you that we are hiring. Did I tell you that we’ve hired some people?
I was part of the interview process for our new administrative assistant. We have hired someone, and she started a few weeks ago!
Also was part of the interview process for someone who will be answering parents’ questions about our school (among other things). She’ll start this summer.
I don’t remember what I told you about the interviews that I participated in for our new marketing expert, but she started last week.
We’ve also made a senior-level hire (I was part of the interview process), and she’ll be starting this summer.
Oh, we hired a dude to do something important. No idea when he’s starting or exactly what he’ll do. Was not involved in the interview.
Hired a whole bunch of part-time/remote people. I think we need a bunch more. Not directly involved in the details. One of them is legit famous in his own right, and I was sure to send a link to his Wikipedia page to the head of the hiring committee.
Closely related project has also hired a bunch of people, but they still have ads up for two more positions (one here and one on the east coast).
We have hired so many people that I have lost count of how many people work in the office. We have hired so many people that a few weeks ago construction workers came and built a wall to turn what had been an awkward storage area into office space. We have hired so many people that HR sent around some form that we all had to fill out because companies with more than some specified number of employees need to send out certain forms to be filled out.
And we are still hiring.