Yet another list post.

  1. Wrote a simple query to get at the information that I wanted, but indirectly, using a proxy for one of the variables that was too hard for me to isolate. I convinced Paul to write the “right” query to get at the real information. Mis-match between the two results gives me something to think about.

  2. Delegated a task that led to a colleague discovering that there is a real problem to be investigated in the software that links the things that I mostly deal with to the things that he mostly deals with. #winning

  3. Ended up not bothering to talk about regular expressions during the part of the R-Ladies meeting where I could have talked about regular expressions. I did not believe that I had anything useful to say about regular expressions in the time available to me.

  4. I am up way too late, and I am convinced that this makes it less likely for me to leave the headache state in my Markov model of migraine. Headache wasn’t bad enough to take any medication, and I’m not having any weird auras, so I could live with it. But I liked things better when I was in the non-headache state and I was convinced that the miraculous medication fixed everything.