More real and imagined homework bug reports.

  1. The answer space on this problem randomly submitted a number.
  2. just… no.
  3. I put 0.3333333333333333333333333 a lot of 3’s for the answer. Can you make that right for me?
  4. I said 4, but then it turned it into a different number.
  5. If we make a typo like writing 625 instead of 5, it should not be marked wrong.
  6. I had no idea that I had to answer the problem. That hadn’t even crossed my mind.
  7. I accidentally put 7 as my answer, but I didn’t mean it.
  8. Whenever I complete a problem, a non-negative integer taken from the ordered set \(\{0, 1, 3, 5, 7\}\) appears next to it, purporting to communicate some sort of meaningful information about my mastery of the material and my understanding of the concepts. Rather, grades are just an abstract construct, and the idea of using fewer than three bits of information per problem to describe my performance in this class is nothing less than farcical.