1. I will play the piano again. The fourth finger on my right hand, the one that is in some ways controlled by the metacarpal that I broke a few years ago, will regain its strength and agility, despite the fact that I still can’t fully extend it, and it still shakes with weakness when I try to type an ń (for those of you with Macs with non-Dvorak key layouts, it would be like typing an ł). How often do I type an ń? It is the eighth letter of my last name. The piano brings me joy.

  2. Ich möchte immer noch deutsch lernen. Ich lese die deutsche Bücher die ich in Bonn kaufte. Ich wird die Wörterbuch benutzen, und ich mache wieder die Grammatikübungen. Ich freue mich deutsch zu lernen.

  3. I’ll take the IKEA cabinet and those other bulky items to Goodwill as soon as I can find a parking spot near my apartment on a weekend.

  4. There are no photographs.