Last Day of JMM
I’ve run out of things that I am interested in seeing at the JMM. I know that I should be going to some of the talks this morning because so many people have already left, and a lot of other people have given up, so there aren’t as many people in the auidence. But I can’t figure out how to pick the talks that are worth my while. Most of the talks scheduled for the last day of the conference have somehow been viewed as low-status by someone doing the scheduling. Sometimes the organizers of the session put their least favorite talks on the last day. Sometimes the people making the master schedule for the conference put their least favorite sessions into the worst time slots. (And, as a counter-example to my claim, there is some solid number theory being presented this afternoon, which is what makes it so hard to write off the last day entirely. I might actually be missing something fantastic.) But I think that I am going to sit here and work on other things instead of going to the talk about animated gifs.
I’ve also decided that instead of buying a real t-shirt with some sort of nerdy math content that I am going to save my money to spend on fake clothes for my character in the fashion game that I am playing far too much of on my phone these days. She can get an entire outfit for just a few dollars!
Because this city is so provincial, I’m almost never downtown (even though I live just three miles away), so I might take this opportunity to wander around and see if there are any parking garages or other reasonably-publicly-accessible structures where I can eventually go to photo graph airplanes landing. I’m high enough up to get good views from the second floor of the convention center, but I’m too far from the flight path to get good pictures of the planes.
By tomorrow, we’ll be back on easy mode for those who are playing the downtown edition of “Homeless? Or mathematician?”