In Which Our Protagonist Tries Her Hand at Adulting
All the kids are doing it these days, or so I’ve been told.
My bank changed its entire log-in system for online banking. It maybe changed everything about online banking. Before it had the stupidest system, which I hated very much, in which there was one login (tuple of username, password, three security questions, and answers to those security questions) for each account. If you had a joint account with someone, you needed to share a username and password. Every time the system forced you to update your security questions, you had to tell your joint account partner about the new questions and the new answers. Now there is one login per person, which grants access to all of the person’s accounts. But before this changeover in login systems happened, I paid all of the bills that I knew about because I don’t really trust my bank to do things smoothly. I also found my paper checkbook in case something really catastrophic happens.
In early January my apartment building is going to be termite-tented. I called the cat-boarding place to make an appointment for Gwen (the easy-going cat) to stay with them during the tenting. (Adulting fail: Still no hotel plans for the people and Sophie, the uptight cat who scratches her ears to pieces when she is confined in an unfamiliar place, such as a cat-boarding facility.)
Back in July (or was it June), I had the car in at the dealership for… something. The service advisor insisted that I needed new tires, and he was probably right. This weekend I got new tires. At the tire shop within walking distance of Discount Fabrics. (Did not buy any fabric, but they have neoprene for $20/yard, so I am thinking of maybe buying some to make my own lens cases for my new camera.)
Not a single character of that work-related email that I wrote in my head made its way onto any of my electronic devices. Even though the situation was totally unfair and the outcome was not my fault and the forces of the universe were conspiring against me, I let it go. Did not say anything to anyone.